Bronze Sponsors — $750.00 & Up
Benefits include:
- Bronze Sponsor listing in premium book
- One-line listing in fair flyer (Circulation projected at 20,000 plus downloads)
- Premium book listing (Circulation projected at 2,500 plus downloads)
- 10 Daily Fair Passes
- Website mention
- Social media posts with click through and cross tagging
- Albright Mill
- Blue Mountain 4H Livestock Club
- Boyer’s Food Market
- Goodtime Amusements
- Hidden River Credit Union
- J. Marlin Ernest & Sons, Inc,
- John Bushar, Berkshire Hathaway Homesale Realty
- Kistler Farms
- Kistler Excavating
- Koch’s Lawn & Garden
- Miller Mechanical
- Minersville Auto Parts
- Moyer’s Car Care Center
- Richard B. Ryon Insurance
- Schuylkill Conservation District
- South Schuylkill Garden Club
- The Weston Estate
- Thrivent Financial
- USS Achey Metal Recycling
Fair Sponsors — $500.00 & Up
Benefits include:
- Premium book listing
- 5 Daily fair passes
- Website mention
- Social media posts with click through and cross tagging
- Forget Me Not Florists
- Pottsville Kiwanis Club
- Quality Inn Midway
- R&R Auto Group
- Red Lion Café
Special Thanks to the Schuylkill County Commissioners, Dept of Agriculture, Weston Estate for their continued support of the Schuylkill County Fair, and the people who donated their premium checks back to the fair.